Friday, May 22, 2009

GTF camp report 2004

Praise God for a fruitful and meaningful GTF camp. This was the first time the GTFers camped in our church premises.
Praise God for a good spirit of camaraderie and cooperation amongst the campers. This was aided by the night walk led by Soon Seng on the first night. The campers walked around Pandan Reservoir in 2 rows side by side. Every ten minutes, we changed partners so that we could get to know people we hardly talked to before. This was a meaningful time of discovery for all and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. We also went tracting to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the afternoon. It was a good experience for all of us.
Jehovah-Jireh our Provider sent us the church stove and fridge in time for camp so that the teens would learn to prepare food for themselves. Daniel and Fiona supervised by Mrs Heng, assisted by assorted campers whipped up meals for our campers and even the church office staff.
Jehovah- Shammah The Lord who is There showed us that His ways were higher than our ways when it rained on Wednesday. This enabled us to have more time to prepare for the skits and still have enough time for games in the afternoon. The parents contributed food and joined us for “campfire” led by Gwyneth and Lydia. “Campfire”was held in a “cosier” room since it was wet outside. All campers participated in 2 skits on the life of King David and King Josiah. The skits were based on the lessons we had been learning in our precepts bible studies during camp and in GTF since January.
Praise God for our camp Advisor Rev Ong who was supportive and encouraging. Praise God for a diligent camp master Michael and camp mistress Gwyneth who led well. Praise God for enthusiastic and responsible games leaders Josiah and Shelia who planned and executed all the games. Praise God for helpfulness and diligence shown by the campers in washing dishes, mopping floors, cleaning toilets and the kitchen and clearing dorms. All tasks were carried out cheerfully and willingly. Thank God for obedient and responsible campers. They made a good choice to be at camp. To God be the glory!
Dns Charissa Heng
GTF Supervisor

nomination form template


I, __________________________________________
Nominate __________________________________
for the position of ______________
in the GCYF Executive committee in 200.

I promise to pray for him/her that:
He /she will read God’s Word every day
He /she will talk to God every day
As he /she waits for God’s Will in this matter of the GCYF elections.

Proposed by:________________________________
Signature and date:____________________________

Seconded by: ________________________________
Signature & date: ____________________________

This lower portion is to be filled in by the person who is nominated.
I, ________________________________________agree to be nominated for the position of _____________________________in the GCYF Executive Committee 200
Signature & date: _____________

Election form template


To vote for the candidate, please put a in the square.
Leave it blank if you don’t wish to vote for the candidate.

President Michael Chew

Vice-President Daniel Lee

Secretary Lydia Simon

Assistant Secretary Jaime Goh

Treasurer Josiah Wang

Assistant Treasurer Darrell Van

Committee Member Gwyneth Van



President Michael

Vice-president Daniel

Secretary Lydia

A. Secretary Jaime

Treasurer Josiah

A. Treasurer Darrell

Member Gwyneth

Membership for 2005:


No. in attendance:

______________________ ____________________
Rev Ong Hock Khee Dns Charissa Heng
GCYF Advisor Dns i/c of fellowship groups

YF president's report 2006

YF President’s Report 2006 by Michael Chew

Psalm 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Praise to our almighty God for the year 2006. It is thrilling to see a year conclude, but I am more excited to see how God will direct the YF in 2007, especially with a proposed larger committee and new and young members. 2006 was certainly a tremendous year that I have much to praise God for.

I thank God for a small but hardworking executive committee of only 5 members, including myself. When it comes to running an event or program, we were short-handed in many ways, but God did not short-change us because we committed our plans to Him. The committee’s faith has surely grown since it began at the start of the year. When I was away for 2 months for an internship, it was business as usual at the YF. Yes, we had our rough times, but God was teaching and ‘polishing our rough edges’ through our Supervisor and Advisor. As the song, ‘O Rejoice in the Lord’ says, “for when I am tried and purified, I shall come forth as gold”.

Dness Heng constantly reminds me that the YF is not seen in numbers, but as individuals that make up the YF. While it is encouraging to see more coming for our meetings lately after the camp, my prayer is that every YF member and participant including myself, like what Rev Ong often reminds, “grow up to be young men and women after God’s heart”. Our spiritual heart is very important in the process of growth, and the YF is the place where older youths set an example for the younger ones. In 2006, our spiritual feeding came in the form of Precepts Bible Study. We used Kay Arthur’s 40-Minute Bible study series, “Discovering what the future holds”. I am thankful to God that the committee members took turns to facilitate in this study, and in the process, have understood God’s word better and developed leadership qualities.

This year was a year of reaching out. We reached out in so many ways, from helping tend the church gardens to serving in the Christmas Puppet Musical. More importantly, there was a spiritual dimension to our reaching out. We increased the number of evangelism-related activities like having another round of evangelism training (in English) and having a total of 4 tracting sessions and 3 gospel Saturdays. In September, two of our committee members, Lydia and Darrell, represented the GCYF in planning a Combined BP Churches YF Meeting. This is yet another way that we reached out to not just the youths in our church, but we participated in obedience to God’s command to fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7).

Our other activities this year included more bonding and fellowship activities. We took pastor’s advice to teach more practical skills, citing the vibrancy of YF programs in his days. We organised a “Managing your live under God” practical learning session, where simple concepts of First-aid were taught and it was a time of learning actively. We have certainly built closer relationships with each other through purely fellowship sessions like trekking Bukit Timah Hill, and even Kite-Flying. All of these activities were accompanied by brief sharing of God’s Word by our committee members.

It is imperative to highlight the YF camp, which has been such an encouragement to me, and my fellow committee members. We planned for the camp, not knowing how many will be blessed by it. I am sure you heard the testimony of two teens during the watch night service, of how they were blessed. They were not regular at YF but were blessed by being at camp. We set out to reach out at the start of the year and we ended the year reaching out to many first-time campers in the YF camp. What a joy it is to see youths make the decision to come for camp, more so, seeing lives changed and the younger ones making decisions to draw closer to God. The YF camp is such an answer to prayer because it was effective as many were putting the lessons into practice, even within the duration of the camp. Let us all not leave these precious lessons behind in 2006, but practice them in our years in YF.

As we gaze into 2007 with the prospects of a larger executive committee, new president and new members, it is my earnest prayer that the Lord will give us wisdom as we grow up in the YF. But we have to fear the Lord first, as the Psalmist writes in Psalm 111, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom”. May God direct our paths and directions.

President's Report 2005 by Michael Chew

The GCYF President’s Report for Anniversary 2005

I bring greetings on behalf of the executive committee in the name of our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

As the Youth Fellowship turns twelve this year, shining forth to the unsaved will remain as our paramount concern. As such, our theme for the year 2005 is “Beacons for Christ”. This theme is similar to last year’s theme, “Reaching Out to Others”. This parallels our church’s theme for this year, which was the same as last year, “Lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes” (Isaiah 54:2). God has laid upon our hearts also the verse, Matthew 5:16 – “So let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” To further drive this theme into the hearts of the YF members, the song “Send the Light” (composed by Mr. Charles H. Gabriel) is chosen as our theme song.

I thank God for my first three eventful months here at the YF. In January, the executive committee members attended the annual day of prayer together with the other leaders of the church, where we committed the year in prayer to the Lord. We also welcomed the new comers to the YF who have left the Children’s Fellowship through our “Welcome to the Family” activities. The YF saw several new comers and youths who had never joined us before. In the same month, we embarked on our journey through the book of Ephesians in a Precepts-based bible study entitled, “How to walk the walk you talk”. This study, as it is named, allows us to discover what God has to say about our walk with Him. What I like about the Precepts system is that instead of reading what others have to say about God’s word, we discover God’s truths for ourselves, allowing our hearts to be touched by God individually.

In February, we organised our own reunion dinner where the YFers are given the opportunity to fellowship over dinner prepared by our youths. It was an excellent chance for bonds to be fostered and new friendships to be formed amongst not only youths of the same age. We went tracting, in the same month, to three blocks opposite our church. It was good to see our young members trying their hands at tracting, some for the first time. This opportunity is not only fulfilling our vision obeying God’s command to be bacons for Christ, but also helps us see the need for sowing the seed. I pray that it will continue to lay a burden in the hearts of our members to go further than to just give out tracts.

March saw the screening of the Jesus Film in conjunction with Easter where we had a few friends who joined us. It was part of our evangelical efforts since Easter was an ideal time to share the gospel to our friends. The two hour long movie chronicles Christ’s life from birth to death and the gospel was also presented within the show. We thank God for the three new visitors who watched the movie with us.

Other programs include cottage meetings in our pastor’s homes. The YF also has a prayer session at the end of the meetings. We prayed not only for our members but also for our church members, pastors, and the church as a whole as well. This give those who cannot make it for prayer meeting, an opportunity to pray and we are glad to see more sharing how God has blessed them during the week. It is also encouraging to hear about answers to our prayers. Hudson Taylor once said that if we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, we must answer God’s standing challenge, “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” (Jer. 33:3)

Looking ahead, I pray that the YF would continue to live up to what God expects of us. It is also my constant prayer that the YF will be beacons for Christ in our own